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which hath but a meer ſhew of learning, more then the clear and manifeſted Light and Truth; who if they were now living, with much joy would leave their erroneous Doctrines. But here is too great weakneſs for ſuch a great Work: And although in Theologie, Phyſic, and the Mathematic, the Truth doth oppoſe it ſelf; nevertheleſs the old Enemy by his ſubtilty and craft doth ſhew himſelf in hindering every good purpoſe by his Inſtruments and contentious wavering people. To ſuch an intent of a general Reformation, the moſt godly and highly illuminated Father, our Brother, C. R. a German, the chief and original of our Fraternity, hath much and long time laboured, who by reaſon of his poverty (although deſcended of Noble Parents) in the fifth year of age was placed in a Cloyſter, where had learned indifferently the Greek and Latin Tongues, who (upon his earneſt deſire and requeſt) being yet in his growing years, was aſſociated to a Brother, P. A. L. who had determined to go to the Holy Land.

Although this Brother dyed in Ciprus,
