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and ſo never came to Jeruſalem, yet our Brother C. R. did not return, hut ſhipped himſelf over, and went to Damaſco, minding from thence to go to Jeruſalem; but by reaſon of the feebleneſs of his body he remained ſtill there, and by his skill in Phyſick he obtained much favour with the Turks: In the mean time he became by chance acquainted with the Wiſe men of Damaſco in Arabia, and beheld what great Wonders they wrought, and how Nature was diſcovered unto them; hereby was that high and noble Spirit of Brother C. R. ſo ſtired up, that Jeruſalem was not ſo much now in his mind as Damaſco; alſo he could not bridle his deſires any longer, but made a bargain with the Arabians, that they ſhould carry him for a certain ſum of money to Damaſco; he was but of the age of ſixteen years when he came thither, yet of a ſtrong Dutch conſtitution; there the Wiſe received him (as he himſelf witneſſeth) not as a ſtranger, but as one whom they had long expected, they called him by his name, and ſhewed him other ſecrets out of his Cloyſter, whereat he could not but mightily