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Concord, that as in every ſeveral kernel is contained a whole good tree or fruit, ſo likewiſe is included in the little body of Man the whole great World, whoſe Religion, policy, health, members, nature, language, words, and works, are agreeing, ſympathizing, and in equal tune and melody with God, Heaven, and Earth; and that which is diſ-agreeing with them, is error, falſhood, and of the Devil, who alone is the firſt, middle, and laſt cauſe of ſtrife, blindneſs, and darkneſs in the World: Alſo, might one examine all and ſeveral perſons upon the Earth, he ſhould find that which is good and right, is always agreeing with it ſelf; but all the reſt is ſpotted with a thouſand erroneous conceits.
After two years Brother C. R. departed the City Fez, and failed with many coſtly things into Spain, hoping well, he himſelf had ſo well and ſo profitably ſpent his time in his travel, that the learned in Europe would highly rejoyce with him, and begin to rule, and order all their Studies, according to thoſe ſound and ſure Foundations. He therefore con-