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ſons. Yearly there came ſomething to light, whereby the Mathematica, Phyſic, and Magic (for in thoſe are they of Fez moſt skilful) were amended; as there is now adays in Germany no want of learned Men, Magicians, Cabaliſts, Phyſicians, and Philoſophers, were there but more love and kindneſs among them, or that the moſt part of them would not keep their ſecrets cloſe only to themſelves. At Fez he did get acquaintance with thoſe which are commonly called the Elementary Inhabitants, who revealed unto him many of their ſecrets: As we Germans likewiſe might gather together many things, if there were the like unity, and deſire of ſearching out of ſecrets amongſt us.

Of theſe of Fez he often did confeſs, that their Magia was not altogether pure, and alſo that their Cabala was defiled with their Religion; but notwithſtanding he knew how to make good uſe of the ſame, and found ſtill more better grounds of his Faith, altogether agreeable with the Harmony of the whole World, and wonderfully impreſſed in all Periods of times, and thence proceedeth that fair
