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But that we do not forget our loving father, Brother C. R., he after many painful Travels, and his fruitleſs true Inſtructions, returned again into Germany, the which he (by reaſon of the alterations which were ſhortly to come, and of the ſtrange and dangerous contentions) heartily loved: There, although he could have bragged with his Art, but ſpecially of the tranſmutations of Metals; yet did he eſteem more Heaven, and the Citizens thereof, Man, then all vain glory and pomp.
Nevertheleſs he builded a fitting and neat habitation, in the which he ruminated his Voyage, and Philoſophy, and reduced them together in a true Memorial. In this houſe he ſpent a great time in the Mathematicks, and made many fine inſtruments, ex omnibus hujus artis partibus, whereof there is but little remaining to us, as hereafter you ſhall underſtand. After five years came again into his mind the wiſhed for Reformation; and in regard he doubted of the ayd wind help of others, although he himſelf was painful, luſty, and unweariſom, he undertook,