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[ 12 ]

with ſome few adjoyned with him, to attempt the ſame: wherefore he deſired to that end, to have out of his firſt Cloyſter (to the which he bare a great affection) three of his Brethren, Brother G. V., Brother J. A., and Brother J. O., who beſides that, they had ſome more knowledg in the Arts, then at that time many others had, he did binde thoſe three unto himſelf, to be faithful, diligent, and ſecret; as alſo to commit carefully to writing, all that which he ſhould direct and inſtruct them in, to the end that thoſe which were to come, and through eſpecial Revelation ſhould be received into this Fraternity, might not be deceived of the leaſt ſillable and word.

After this manner began the Fraternity of the Roſie Croß; firſt, by four perſons onely, and by them was made the Magical Language and writing, with a large Dictionary, which we yet dayly uſe to Gods praiſe and glory, and do finde great wiſdom therein; they made alſo the firſt part of the Book M.: but in reſpect that that labor was too heavy, and the unſpeakable concourſe of the ſick
