Page:Far from the Madding Crowd Vol 1.djvu/13

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I. Description of Farmer Oak — An Incident 1

II. Night — The Flock — An Interior — Another Interior 11

III. A Girl on Horseback — Conversation 24

IV. Gabriel's Resolve — The Visit — The Mistake 38

V. Departure of Bathsheba — A Pastoral Tragedy 54

VI. The Fair — The Journey — The Fire 62

VII. Recognition — A Timid Girl 79

VIII. The Malthouse — The Chat — News 85

IX. The Homestead — A Visitor — Half Confidences 118

X. Mistress and Men 128

XI. Melchester Moor — Snow — A Meeting 139

XII. Farmers — A Rule — An Exception 148

XIII. Sortes Sanctorum — The Valentine 157

XIV. Effect op the Letter — Sunrise 164

XV. A Morning Meeting — The Letter Again 171

XVI. All Saints' and All Souls' 189

XVII. In the Market-place 194