Page:Far from the Madding Crowd Vol 1.djvu/14

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XVIII. Boldwood in Meditation — A Visit 199

XIX. The Sheep-washing — The Offer 207

XX. Peeplexity — Grinding the Shears — A Quarrel 217

XXI. Troubles in the Fold — A Message 227

XXII. The Great Barn and the Sheep-shearers 238

XXIII. Eventide — A Second Declaration 256

XXIV. The Same Night— The Fir Plantation 267

XXV. The New Acquaintance Described 278

XXVI. Scene on the Verge of the Hay-mead 284

XXVII. Hiving the Bees 299

XXVIII. The Hollow Amid the Ferns 305

XXIX. Particulars of a Twilight Walk 314

XXX. Hot Cheeks and Tearful Eyes 326


"Do you happen to want a Shepherd, Ma'am?" Frontispiece.

Hands were Loosening his Neckerchief To face page 32

"Get the Front Door Key." Liddy fetched it 158

"I feel—almost too much—to think," he said 211

She stood up in the Window-opening, facing the Men 262

She took up her Position as directed 308