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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/144

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Nicholas, according to Godwin, succeeded to bishop Barrowe, but there is no evidence of that fact extant. If he were elected, he certainly was not confirmed bishop of this see.

1426 John Clederowe or Clyderhowe, canon of Chichester,

4 Hen.VI. according to the Tower records ^^ came next to Bar- rowe in the see of Bangor, and made his profession of obedience to the archbishop 20th March 1424-5^7^ and received the temporalities ] 5th Jan, 1 425-6 ^^. He died at Crayford in Kent 12th Dec. 1435, and was buried there. His will is dated 30th March 1434, and was proved 13th Dec. 1435^9, 1436 Thomas Cheritox, a friar preacher, was, provided to

15 H. VI. this see by the Pope on the death of bishop Clederowe. He made his profession of obedience to the archbishop 6th Fob. 1435-6^0, received the spiritualities 16th Nov. 14367^, and the temporalities on the 27th of the same month^-^. He died 23rd Dec. 14477^. 1448 John St anbury, a Carmelite, was provided to this see

26H.VI. by the Pope 4th March 1447-8, he made his pro- fession of obedience 4th May 7^ following, and on the 15th of that month the temporalities were restored to him 7 5, but he was not consecrated until 20th June following "6. In J452 he was translated to Hereford. 1453 James Blakedon, bishop of Killalla (Achadensis), suc-

36 H. VI. ceeded John Stanbury in the see of Bangor, to which he was translated by papal bull dated 7th Feb. 1452-3, and the temporalities were restored to him

��he have livery of the temporaU- Wells, should be appointed bi- ties of the said bishoprick of shop of LlandafF. (Min. Counc. Bangor and do his fealty in such 4 Hen.VI.) The translation how- case duely accustomed." ever did not take place.

66 Pat. 4 Hen. VI. p. 2. 69 Reg. Chichi, fol. 454.

67 Reg. Chichi, fol. 39. 70 ibid. fol. 53. 71 ibid. 6^ Pat. 4 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 22. 72 Pat. 15 Hen. VI. m. 40.

By a minute of council dated 73 Pat. 26 Hen.VI. p. i.m. 14.

14th Jan. 1425-6 the privy coun- 74 Reg. Staff, fol. 29.

cil agreed that John Clyderhowe, ^'^ Pat. 26 H. VI. p. 2. m. 26.

bishop of Bangor and a friar of "6 Reg. Cantuar.

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