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26th March 7". He made his profession of obedience 12th April's^ and died 24th Oct. 1464"'^. 1464 Richard so Edenham^i obtained license (8th March S Ed. IV. T464-5) to have his consecration performed out of the church of Canterbury ^2. He died in 1496^3, 1496 Henry Dean, prior of Lanthony'^'^^ had the tempo- 2H. VII. rahties restored to him 6th Oct. 1496^^: he was translated to Salisbury in the early part of the year 1500 s*'. I 500 Thomas Pi got, abbot of Chertsey, was consecrated in 6H. VII. 1500, and died 15th Aug. 1504.

1504 John Penny ^7^ LL.D., ahhot of Leicester, had license aH. VII. (30th Aug. 1504) to be consecrated out of the church of Canterbury ^*^. He was translated to Carlisle 22nd Sept. 1508. 15 10 Thomas Skevington or ^K'EVFi'naTO'ii^^, ahhot of Beau- H.VIIL lieu, was provided to this see 23rd Feb. 1508-9^0, and he was consecrated 17th June following 9^ He died June 1533 : his heart was buried in Bangor ca- thedral, and his body in the monastery of Beaulieu. He held the abbey in commendam. 1534 John Salcote alias Capon, S.T.D., ahhot of Hyde, was H.VIII. elected 30th Jan. 1533-4, confirmed 15th April 1534, consecrated at Croydon on the 19th 5^, and received the temporalities on the 28th of the same month ^^.

��77 Pat. 36 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 4. 8.5 Pat. 12 Hen. VII. m. 19.

78 Reg. Kempe, fol. 216. ^^ Pat. 15 H. VII. p. 2. m. 27.

79 The custody of the tempo- 87 Qr Penvy. rahties was granted to the dean 88 Rgg_ Cantuar.

of Bangor and others 24th Oct. 89 His right name is said to

1464. Pat. 4 Ed. IV. p. 2. m. 27. have been Pace.

80 Godwin incorrectly calls him ^^ The bull is dated in the 6th Thomas. year of the pontificate of Julius

81 He is indifferently called II, who took possession of the Ednam, orEvynden,orEdynden. papal chair in Nov, 1503.

82 Reg. Cantuar. ^^ Reg. Warham. fol. 12. The 8^ Pat. 12 Hen. VII. m. 19. license for his consecration was 8-1 MS. Cott. Julius, D.I I. He issued 12th June 1509.

seems to have held the priorship "^ Reg. Cranm. foil. 157. 162.

with this see. Pat. 26 H.VIII. p. i. m. 26.

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