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126 WELLS.

Crediton, and St. Petrock, were accordingly made episcopal sees. The council being dissolved, the arch- bishop went to Rome and announced to the Pope the decree of the council. He returned to England in the following year ; but it was not until 909 that matters were sufficiently matured to carry out the resolution of the King and council. In that year, however, Plege- raund in one day ordained seven bishops ^, and among them five in the province of Gevisi ; Frithestan to Winchester, Werstan to Sherborne, Aethelm to Wells, Eadulf to Crediton, and Aethelstan to St. Pe- trock ; Bernethus to the South Saxons, and Coenulf to Dorchester.

909 Aethelm^, was the first bishop of Wells. He was removed to Canterbury about the year 923.

923 WuLFELM succeeded to the see of Wells on the trans- lation of Aethelm to Canterbury, and upon the death of that archbishop was himself also translated thither about the year 928 -"'.

928 Alpheagus^, Aelfegus^, or Elfeh ^, succeeded Wulf- elm in the see of Wells. The time of his death is not known, but he witnessed a charter of king Aethelstan, dated in 93 1 .

��3 The story of Plegemund 01- ^ The dates of Wulfelm's con- daining seven bishops, usually secration and translation are va- taken from Malmesbury, is also riously stated. The first is placed to be found nearly verbatim in in 915, and the second in 928; MS. Bodley 579, which was but both these dates are said to given to the cathedral of Exeter be incorrect. See Anglia Sacra, by bishop Leofric, who died A.D. pars i. p.

1073. It contains difficulties and ^ Or Aelfheah. Flor. Wigorn.

contradictions which have puz- 7 Matt. Westm.

zled all the ecclesiastical writers 8 Malmes. His name is also

from Baronius to Wilkins. written Elfeche, Hist, de Epis.

4 Athelm, Athelelm., Malmes. Bath, et Wellen. in Angl. Sacra, and Rad. de Diceto ; Aethelmus, pars i. p. 556 ; Alfeth, Dicet. and Flor. Wigorn. See also Anglia Elfeth, Godw.

Sacra, note (a), pars i. i).556, and ^ Chart. Angl. Sax. cd. Kem-

Spelman. Concil. tom. i. pp. 200 ble, vol. ii. p. 185. and 556.

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