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WuLHELM appears to have followed Alpheagus in the see of Wells, but the date of his consecration is un- certain : he however witnessed charters in the year 934, and continued to do so until 955 ^^.

955 Brihthelai, a monk of Glastonbury ^ is said to have suc- ceeded Wulfhelni in the bishopric of Wells in 958, and to have been chosen in the year 959 to succeed Odo in the archiepiscopal see of Canterbury ; but the King persuaded him to continue in his own see. For the reason assigned in note ^ ^ the date of his accession is here given as 955. He died 15th May 973 ^'^ and was buried at Wells i-^.

973 Kynewardus^^, abbot of Middleton^ succeeded Brihthelm in 973 : he died in 975 ^.

975 SiGARUs or SiGEGARUs, ahbot of Glastonbury , succeeded to the see of Wells in 975 ^^ and died iv Cal. Julii^? (28th June) 997 ^^ I 997 Alwynus^^^ succeeded in 997 '^^^ 1000 BuRWOLDUs. In the ancient list of bishops of Wells his name follows that of Alwynus, but the dates of his consecration and death are uncertain : he could not

��10 Chart. Angl. Sax. ed. Kem- (Ibid. 307.) See Angl. Sacra, ble,vol. ii. pp. 196, 216, 219, 228, parsi. p. 556.

232, 239, 244, 245, 251, 255, 12 Malmes. Hist. Glaston. et

256, 267, 269, 292, 295, 307. Flor. Wigorn.

11 Godwin and those who fol- ^^ Flor. Wigorn.

low him make three contempo- i-* Malmes. et Flor. Wigorn.

rary bishops of this name, viz. of Kinewaldus, Matt. Westm. ;

London, Winchester, and Wells, Cyneweard, Sax. Chron. ap.

succeed in the same year 958. Mon. Hist. Brit. p. 396.

This cannot be proved, nor is it i^ pior. Wigorn.

probable ; it, however, increases 16 jjg witnessed a charter in

the difficulty of identification : 995.

a bishop of that name witnessed 17 Hist. Glast.

charters in 955, and he most is MS. Trin. Coll. Cant.

likely was the bishop of Wells, as 19 Elwinus, Malmes. ; Aelfvvi-

it appears from other authorities nus. Matt. Westm. ; Alfwinus,

that Theodred bishop of London Flor. Wigorn.; Adelwynus,

was alive in that year, (Kemb. Hist, de Epis. Bath, et Well.

vol. ii. p. 306,) as was also ap. Angl. Sac. pars i, p. 556.

Aelfsic bishop of Winchester, 20 Matt. Westm.

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