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128 BATH.

have sat many months, as his successor is said to have

been installed in looi. looi Lyfing or iVELFSTAN-^ vvas consecrated in looi, and

translated to Canterbury in ioi3'-2. 1013 Aethelwixus, ahhot of Evesham-'^, succeeded Lyfing-^

in 1013 ; but he was ejected from his see by Brithwinus^^, who was himself deposed, and Aethelwinus again had the see'-^, which he held till

his death, when Brithwinus re-entered, and held the bishopric during

the remainder of his life -7. 1027 Merewhit^s or Mervith^o, ahhot of Glastonbury^ suc- ceeded in 1027, and died in 1033. 1033 DuDOCA or DuDECA or Bodeca was consecrated in

1033-^'^, and died in io6o'^^. 1061 Giso^'- was elected bishop of Wells during his absence

on a mission to Rome, and was consecrated there 15th

April 1061 3'^. He died in 1088=^^.


1088 John ^-E.Yi-L\.VLA,aj)1^ysicianofTouraine-^^, succeeded 2 Will. II. Giso in the year 1088. In the year 1090 he obtained

21 Called also Elstan and ^2 Called also Gisa and Gila. Ethelstan. Vide ante, p. 6. ^3 Matt. Westm. See also An-

22 Sax. Chron. et Flor. Wi- glia Sacra, pars i. p. 559, note 1. gorn. 34 ^nnal.Winton., Anglia Sa-

2-^ See Anglia Sacra, pars i. p. era, pars i. p. 295 ; according to

558, note . others in 1087.

2-1 Flor. Wigorn. 30 Malmesbury,\vhoknewhim,

25 Malmes. Pontif. Called also speaks but slightingly of his me- Birthwine and Byrhwine. dical knowledge : " Usu, non li-

26 Ibid. 27 Ji^i(j_ teris, medicus probatus." Is, 28 Flor. Wigorn. Called also defuncto abbate Bathoniensi, ab-

Merewnit, Mervith, Merethwith. batiam a rege non gravate obti-

2i^ Malmes. nuit, eo quod et in curia omnia

30 Flor. Wigorn. vaenum agebantur. Malmes. lib.

31 Matt. Westm. Flor. Wigorn. iv. See also Anglia Sacra, pars i. Sim. Dunelm. et Hoved. p. 559, note '.

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