William Nikke was admitted 12th April 1473-^^. He died 29th July 1494^9. His will was proved 4th Nov. 1494.
Richard Nikke, LL.D., was admitted loth July 1494^^. He became bishop of Norwich in 150 1.
Francis, archhishop of Byzantium, and prince of the Em- pire, was installed 30th Dec. 1500, and died in 1502. He was also archdeacon of Essex.
Thomas Beaumont, archdeacon of Bath, was installed 19th Nov. 1502^^ ai^cl thed in Oct. 1507.
PoLYDORE Vergil was collated 6th Feb. 1507 4'^. He died at Urbino in Italy in 1555, and was there buried.
John Cotterel, LL.D., was collated in 1554, his predecessor being then living. His will, dated 21st Feb. 15712, was proved 25th May 1572.
John Rugge, A.M., was admitted in 1572'*'^. He died in 1 58 1, and was buried in the cathedraH*. His will, dated 24th April 1580, was proved in Feb. 1581.
Barth. Clerk held it in 158 1.
Andrew Borow held it at his death. His will was proved 17th Feb. 15812.
John Langworth, S.T.P., was admitted 4th Feb. 1588-9^'. Ob. 1613.
Stephen Nelson succeeded in the latter end of 1609^.
Gerard Wood, S.T.B., was installed 14th May 161 1^7.
William Watts, S.T.P., was appointed to this dig- nity in 1645, ^"^ ^y reason of the confusion of those times he never took possession of it. He died at Kinsale in Ireland in 1 649 ^^.
Grindal Sheafes, S.T.P., was installed 12th Aug.
^^ Rymer, vol. xii. p. 389. l A. O. vol. i. p. 638.
39 Reg. Fox. ^' Reg. Godwin.
40 Ibid. -16 Reg. Montague.
41 Reg. Wellen. 47 ibid.
42 Reg. Castell. 48 a. O. vol. i. p. 831. 4 Reg. Berkeley.
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