1660^^. He died 28th April 1680, and was buried in the cathedral ^9,
Charles Thirlby, A.M., instituted 28th April i68o^^
was installed 3rd May'^^. His will, dated 23rd Oct.
1683, was proved i8th Jan. following. Edwin Sandys ^2, A.M., instituted loth Nov. 1684 '^3,
He was installed 14th Nov. 16835^. Ob. 1705, Samuel Hill, A.M., was installed nth Oct. 1705'^.
Ob. 7th March 1715-6. Henry Layng, 4th May 17 i6^^ Edmund Archer, archdeacon of Taunton^ 7th Dec.
1726^7. He died at Wells in Oct. 1739. John Wicksted, 26th Nov. 1739^^. George Shackerley, 24th Nov. 1742 5^. Edmund Aubery, 19th Aug. 1749^0. Died 7th Nov.
^757- Lionel Seaman, 26th April 1758 ^^ Died 26th Feb.
1760. Francis Potter, 9th Aug. 1760^'^. William Willes, 20th Oct. 1767^^. Died 12th May
1815. Charles Sandiford, 7th July 18 15 4. Died 5th April
1826, aged 74. Henry Law, 4th Oct. 1826 6^.
This dignity is rated for first fruits at 144/. 2s. i\d.^^
��48 Bishops' Certificates. -^^ Reg. Wellen.
49 Reg. Wellen. ^5 Bishops' Certificates. Reg. ^0 Bishops' Certificates. Wellen.
51 Reg. Wellen. ^^ Bishops' Certificates.
52 He was noted for his hatred ^7 Ibid. ^8 Ibid, to children ; he never would bap- ^9 Ibid. ^^ Ibid, tize an infant, nor see one of his ^^ Ibid. ^2 Ibid, own several children till they "3 ibid. ^4 ibid, were eight or nine years of age. 65 Ibid.
5- Bishops' Certificates. ^ Ecton, p. 45.
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