Reginald de Legh, 1287-^^.
John de Langton, 1294 and 1296^^.
Arnold Amaneni de la Breto, 1307^7; had license 22nd Feb. to reside abroad. He held it in 1309.
Jordan Moraunt, 19th Sept. 1309 ^s.
John de Britton or Bruiton, ii Id. Feb. (12th) 1318, and 1320^9. Afterwards archdeacon of Canter- bury.
Richard de Forde, 28th Oct. 1320^0^
Richard de Thistledon, precentor of Wells, viii Cal. Maii (24th April) 1327. He died 4th Nov. 1348^1.
Richard de Tormerton was installed27thNov.i348^"^. Vacant in 1361.
Thomas de Brantyngham, held it 19th July 1367 ^'5.
Simon Langham, 1368^^. Ob. 1376.
Thomas Lynton, 1383^^.
William Langbrook, 1384, 1410, 1420. He died in April 1439 56_
Peter Stukeley was admitted 17th Sept. 1439^7.
John Bernard, precentor of Wells, was admitted 3rd
May 1451^^. Hugh Sugar alias Norris, LL.D., archdeacon of Bath ^
was collated ist May 1460. He died in the latter
end of April or the beginning of May 1489 9. His
will is dated in 1488. Thomas Harris was admitted 6th May 1490. He
was made precentor of Exeter in Dec. 1509, and
died in 1510^0.
��15 Reg. Wellen. ^^ Reg. Wellen.
46 Pat. 22 Edw. I. and Pat. 24 ^^ Reg. Braybrook. Episc. Edw. I. Lond. Reg. Stafford. Episc. B.
47 Pat. I Edw. II. p. 2. m. 26. et W. ; appointed jth Aug., Pat.
48 Pat. 3 Edw. II. 10 Ric. II. p. i. m. 37 ; alive
49 Reg. WeUen. i Hen. IV., Pat. i Hen. IV. p. 2.
50 Reg. Drokenesford. m. 29.
51 Ibid, et Reg. Rad. de Salop. 57 Reg. Stafford.
52 Reg. Wellen. 58 Rgg. Bekington.
53 Pat. 41 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 26. 59 ibid. Reg. Stillington.
54 God w. p. 143. ^"^ Reg. Wellen.
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