John Chamber was installed i8th Feb. 150910, and
resigned in 1543^1. He was made precentor of Exeter
in 1523, and archdeacon of Bedford in 1524. John Marlow was admitted 14th May 1543, and died
in October the same year. John Dakyn, LL.D., enjoyed it in 1554^2, jje was
made archdeacon of the East Riding of York in 1551. Thomas Baylie held it in 1560 and 156463. He held
the sixth stall at Bristol. John Bourne, 1592. He resigned in 1601 6-*. Robert Wright, S.T.P., was admitted 21st Dec.
1601, and resigned in 163 2 6^. He was made warden
of Wadham college, Oxford, in 1613, promoted to the
see of Bristol in 1623, and translated to Lichfield and
Coventry in 1632. Robert Creighton, S.T.P,, was installed 17th Dec.
1632, and in 1660 was made dean of this cathedral. Richard Busby, S.T.P., nth Aug. 1660*^6. jJe died
5th April 1695, and was buried in Westminster
abbey 67. Ralph Barker, S.T.P., was installed 6th April 169568.
He was appointed to this dignity by archbishop Teni-
son's option. Ob. 6th June 1708. Benjamin Ibbot, A.M., was installed 13th Nov. 170869
by archbishop Tenison's option. He died in April
1725. Robert Woodford, 13th April 172570. Died ist May
1762, aged 87. Henry Hall, 17th April 1762, vice Robert Woodford7i. Paul George Snow, 8th Dec. 1763, vice Henry HalK'^. Thomas Eyre, Nov. 1796, vice Paul Snow^^. Died
26th March 1812, aged 81.
��61 Reg. Knight. 67 Ex Epitaphio.
62 Reg. Bourne. 68 Bishops' Certificates. Reg.
63 Reg. Berkeley. Wellen. 69 ibid. 6-1 Reg. Wellen. 70 Bishops' Certificates.
65 Reg. Stillington. 7i ibid. 72 ibid.
66 Bishops' Certificates. 73 ibid.
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