John Chetwyxd, A.M. The date of his admission is
lost; but he possessed this stall in 1668"^. After
whose death, Charles Livesay, A.M., was instituted 2nd March,
and admitted loth March 1692-3^7. John King, 1st June i728'^. John Billingsley, 14th Sept. 1737 9, Nathaniel Foster, 1st Feb. 1 754-5 5. Ob. 20th
Oct. 1757. Bertie Henley, 6th Jan. 175891. Ob. 6th July
1760. James Welton, 21st July 1760'^'-. Ob. i6th Dec-
1772. Edward Dicey, 28th Jan. 1773^'^ Frederick William Blomberg, 15th April 17909^. Lord William George Henry Somerset, 17th
Sept. 18289^. Ob. 14th Jan. 1851, setat. 66.
Richard Brome, LL.B., by the charter of erection
1542 96. John Williams obtained this stall by letters patent
4th March 1544 9'. Thomas Sylke, A.M., admitted (after the death of
Wilhams) 4th June 1546. How long he lived after
157 1, is uncertain 98. Francis Willis held this stall in 1576. Charles Langford. The date of his admission is lost. He was made dean of Hereford in 1593, and
resigned this prebend 2 1 st Feb. 1 606-7 ^^
��8'5 Lib. viii. f. 2. ^^ Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 748.
87 Lib. X. f. 214. 97 Pat. 35 Hen. VIIL p. 11.
88 Bishops' Certificates. m. 7.
89 Ibid. 90 Ibid. 98 Lib. Cap. 2. f. 120.
91 Ibid. 92 Ibid. 99 Reg. Heref. Reg. Bristol.
93 Ibid. 94 Ibid. Lib.v. f. 71. 95 Ibid.
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