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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/274

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William Hill, S.T.B,, exhibited the Queen's man- date for the next vacancy 9th Dec. 1597, and was admitted 26th Feb. 1 606-7 1. After his death,

Robert Markes, A.M. (having exhibited the King's mandate for the next vacancy, 8th June 16 15), was elected 13th Sept. 1619'-, and instituted i8th Dec. 16213.

John Dashfield, S.T.B., was instituted 14th Sept. 1660*. He died about five years after.

Theophilus Quixtix, A.m., was admitted 9th Nov. 1665^. He died in 1683.

Stephen Crespion, A.M., was admitted 3rd Aug. 16836.

Hugh Waterman, A.M., obtained the Queen's man- date 4th Dec. 1 7 II, and was admitted the 17th of the same months.

Richard Monins, 30th July 1746*^.

John Aylmer, 10th Sept. 1730. Ob. i6th Feb. 1793.

Joseph Whately, 5th March 17931*^. Ob. 13th March 1797.

Sir Adam Gordon, 29th April 179711. Ob. 2nd Nov. 1817, setat. 72.

William Bond, 29th April 18181'-*.


George Dogeon, S.T.P., by the charter of erection

154213. Thomas Baily,S.T.P., was admitted 23d Jan. 1551-21^. Edward Green, A.M. The date of his instalment is

lost; he was prebendary in the year 1585^^. William Norris, A.M., exhibited the King's mandate

��1 Lib. V. f. 71. 2 Ibid. f. 186. 8 Bishops' Certificates.

3 Bishops' Certificates. 9 Ibid. '0 Ibid.

4 Ibid. Lib. vii. f. 3. n jbid. 12 ibid. ^ Lib. vii. f. 3. 13 Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 748. ^ Lib. ix. f. 207. 14 Lib. Cap. i. f. 121.

" Lib. X. f. 319. 15 Lib. iii. f. 189.

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