Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/288

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were restored to him ist May^'^, and he was conse- crated at Mortlake 30th June^^. He died at the latter end of June or beginning of July 1429, and was buried in Chichester cathedral. His will, dated 2nd April 1429, was proved 14th July following^^. The conge d^elire, vice bishop Rickinghalle, issued 6th July 1429 '^ Thomas Brouns was unanimously elected, and the King assented to his election, and 3rd Aug. 1429 wrote letters commendatory in his favour to the pope Martin V. His Holiness however rejected the choice of the canons, and by his bull dated ii Id. Oct. Pont. XII. (14th Oct. 1429) provided to this see 143 1 Simon Sydenham, LL.D., archdeacon and dean ofSalis-

9 Hen. VI. hury'-T, to whom the King restored the temporalities 24th Jan. 1430-31^^. He obtained license 4th Feb. 1 430-3 1 to be consecrated without the church of Canterbury, and he was consecrated at Lambeth on the 1 2th of that month ; and having made profession to the archbishop, the spiritualities were delivered to him 15th Feb. He died at the latter end of January or beginning of February 1437-8-1^. His will, dated iith Jan. 1437-8, was proved 6th Feb. 1437-8. The li- cense to elect a bishop in the room of Simon Sydenliam is dated 8th Feb. 1437-8^0^ {^ pursuance of which 1438 Richard Praty^^, dean of Royal Chapel, chancellor of Salisbury, was elected^ and the King wrote letters commendatory in his favour to pope Eugenius IV. The temporalities were restored to him 14th July 1438^"-. He died at the latter end of August 1445 ""'^ His will^ dated i ith July 1445, ^^^^ proved 6th Sept.

��43 Pat. 4 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 16. 60 Pat. 16 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 8.

44 Reg. Chichel. fol. 41. J His register is the second

45 Ibid. 413. oldest in this cathedral : it begins

46 Pat. 7 Hen. VI. p. i. m.5. in 1438 and ends 5th Aug. 1445.

47 Reg. Chichel. fol. 48. 52 Pat. 16 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 19.

48 Pat. 9 Hen. VI. p. i. m. 17. 53 Rgg. Stafford, fol. 128.

49 Reg. Chichel. fol. 463.

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