on the 19th of the same month. His death appears to have happened in July 1420. His will, dated 7th July, was proved 26th July 1420. The see was vacant 17th Oct. following'^\ A conge d'elire issued 10th Aug. 1420 on death of bishop Ware-^^.
142 1 John Kempe, bishop of Rochester and chancellor of 9 Hen. V. Normandy^ was translated to this see by papal bull
dated 2 Kal. Mar. (28th Feb.) 1420-21^5; and ob- tained restitution of the temporalities 21st Aug. fol- io wing^^j in December in the same year he was translated to London.
1422 Thomas Polton or Poldon, bishop of Hereford, was jjioHen.v. translated to Chichester by papal bull, dated xv Cal.
Dec. (17 th Nov.) 1421, and made his profession of obedience to the archbishop 30th June 1422-^. He obtained the spiritualities 4th July^^, the temporali- ties on the 28th of the same month-^s, and 14th Jan. 1425-6 the privy council, among other things, agreed that this prelate should be translated to Worcester, which was accordingly done in February following. 1426 John Rykyngale or Rickinghalle, S.T.D., chancellor t Hen. VI. of Yorl:, was provided to this see 28th Feb. 1425-6 by papal bull, the privy council having, 14th Jan. pre- ceding, recommended that step '*^. The temporalities
��ric of Chichester, hath delivered longen unto the said bishopric,
to us the bulls of provision made our said letters under our great
unto him by our holy father the seal bearing the date of the 13th
Pope of the said bishopric, and of the month of May last past.
the same elect hath made renun- Given under our signet in our
elation of all the words contained host beside our town of Pont de
in the said bulls of provision that Larche the loth day of July."
might be prejudicial unto us and <^'^ Pat. 8 Hen. V. ra. i.
to our crown, and also made his -^^ Rot. Norm. 8 H.V.p.2.m.i.
fealty unto us for the temporali- ^^ Reg. Chichel. fol. 32.
ties that longen to the foresaid '*' Privy Seal 9 Hen.V. et Pat.
bishopric. We will that by our p. 2. m. 18.
letters to be made in due form ^^ Reg. Chichel. fol. 34.
under our great seal ye do make 38 Ibid. fol. 36.
to the said elect restitution and ^^ Pat. 10 Hen. V. m, i.
livery of the temporalities that f' Reg. Chichel. fol. 41.
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