Feb. 1641-215. He died the last day of Sept. 1669 ^^^ in the 77th year of his age. 1669 Peter Gunning, S.T.P., master of St. John s college^ 21 Car. II. Camhridge, was elected 17th Feb. 1669-70, confirmed 3rd March, and consecrated at Lambeth on the 6th of the same monthly ; and 4th March 1674-5 he was translated to Ely'^ 1675 R^LPH Brideoke, S.T.P., dean of Salisbury, was 27 Car. II. elected 9th March 1674-5, confirmed 15th April, and consecrated on the iSth of that month'^. He died 5th Oct. 1678, aged 74, and was buried at Windsor, where there is a monument to him. 1679 GrUY Carleton, hisJiop of Bristol, was translated to 3oCar. II. Chichester, and confirmed 8th Jan. 1 678-9. Hedied6th July 1685, and was buried in Chichester cathedral'-*'. 1685 John Lake, bishop of Bristol, was translated to this I Jac. II. gee^ in which he was confirmed 19th Oct. 1685. He died 30th Aug. 168921, and was buried 3rd Sept., as appears by the parish register of St. Botolph Bishops- gate. 1689 Simon Patrick, dean of Peterborough, succeeded bishop iW. &M. Lake, and was consecrated at Fulham 13th Oct. 168922, jje was translated to Ely 2nd July 1691 ^3. 1691 Robert Grove, S.T.P. A royal conge d'eliro and 3W. &M. letter missive issued 30th April 1691 to the chapter of Chichester, to elect him bishop of that see in the room of Dr. Simon Patrick translated to Ely ; and the royal assent was given to his election 1 6th July 24.
'^ Reg. Laud, pars ii. fol. 92. tion, that he believed the church
'^ See his monument and epi- of England insisted " on the
taph in Antiq. Worcester. &c. p. doctrine of non-resistance and
232. He was the eldest son of passive obedience." He also
John bishop of London. See states that, for carrying out his
Post-Boy, No. 2820. conscientious views, " he had
'7 Reg. Sheldon, fol. 54, and incurred a suspension from the
London Gazette, N". 445. exercise of his office and expected
'8 Reg. Sheldon, fol. 124. Ath. a deprivation."
Oxon. 22 London Gazette, and Reg.
19 Reg. Sheldon, fol. 136. dean and chapt. of Cant. fol. 12.
20 Ex Epit. in Cath. Chich. 2.3 Rgg. Tillot. fol. 9.
21 He made a dying protesta- 24 Church Book, Home Office.
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