Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/295

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He was consecrated bishop of Chichester 30th Aug. 1691 2^, and the temporalities were restored to him 4th Sept. following 26. He died 25th Sept. 1696, aged 72, and was buried in Chichester cathedral27. 1696 John Williams, S.T.P., was consecrated 13th Dec.

Will. III. 1 696 2^ ; and died at his chambers in Gray"'s Inn, London, 24th April 1709, and was buried in the church of St. Mildred in the Poultry, London. 1709 Thomas Manningham, dean of Windsor, was conse-

8 Ann. crated bishop of Chichester i3tli Nov. 1709'^^; he died 25th Aug. 1722, and was buried in St. Andrew's, Holborn. 1722 Thomas Bowers, archdeacon of Canterhury^ was ap-

5 Geo. I. pointed bishop of Chichester in the room of bishop Manningham 26th Aug. 1722, and consecrated at Lambeth on Sunday 7th Oct. following ^o. He died 22nd Aug. 1724. 1724 Edward Waddington, S.T.D., was nominated bishop

1 1 Geo. I. of Chichester 25th Aug. 1724, and was consecrated nth Oct. following3i. He died 7th Sept. 1731. On 8th Oct. 1731 his majesty ordered his conge d'elire to be sent to the dean and chapter of Chichester for electing Dr. Francis Hare bishop of St. Asaph to the see of Chichester, in the room of bishop Waddington. 173 1 Francis Hare, hisJiop of St . Asaph, was nominated to

5 Geo. II. the see of Chichester 8th Oct. 1731, and confirmed 25th Nov. following. He died 26th April 1740 at Vache, near Chalfont, Bucks, aetat. 70, and was bu- ried 3rd May at Chalfont St. Giles. \ 740 Matthias Mawson, bishop of Llandaff-, was nominated

3 Geo. II. to Chichester 30th April 1740, and confirmed 21st Oct. following, on the 25th of which month the tem- poralities were restored to him. He was translated to Ely in 1 754.

1754 Sir William Ashburnham, Bart., dean of Chichester , 8 Geo. II.

25 London Gazette, and Reg. 28 Reg. Tenis. i. fol. 24. Tillot. fol. de. 29 Ibid. ii. fol. 57.

26 Church Book, Home Office. so Reg. Wake, ii. fol. 122.

27 Ex Epit. in Cath. Chich. 3i Ibid. fol. 237.

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