George Jordan to the prebend of Sydlesham, 6th June
1723, vice William Whitear^^.
James Hargraves to the prebend of Thorney, 18th
Sept. 1723, vice Richard Bowchier. James Barker to the prebend of Sutton, 17th Aug.
1724-1^. Carew Reykell to the prebend Exceit, 17th Aug.
1724, vice John Thistlethvvaite^\
Simon Hughes to the prebend of Hova villa or Huvile,
31st March 1725, vice Barnesley^^. Isaac Maddox to the prebend of Eartham, 3 1st March
1725, vice Woodford^".
Benjamin Langw^ith to the prebend of Selsey, 15th
June 1725, vice Samuel Billingsley **^. Bartholomew Cox to the prebend of Barksham, i8th
Sept. 1725, vice Thomas Musgrave^^. Thomas Ball to the prebend of Hampstead, nth June
1727, vice Henry Snooke resigned ^0. William Clarke to the prebend of Hova villa, 2i8t
Aug. 1727, vice Simon Hughes^i. William Crooke to the prebend of Fittlevvorth, 16th
Sept. 1727, vice Peter Heald^-. William Wade to the prebend of Highley, 23rd May
1729, vice Thomas Baker ^^. Isaac Maddox to the prebend of Bury, 29th Jan.
Thomas Ball to the prebend of Eartham, 4th Feb.
Richard Green to the prebend of Hampstead, 8th
May 730^^ Philip Barton to the prebend of Bargham, 8th Aug.
��43 Bishops' Certificates. so Bishops' Certificates.
'i^ Ibid. 45 Ibid. 51 Ibid. 52 Ibid.
4C Ibid. 47 Ibid. 53 Ibid. 54 Ibid.
4!^ Ibid. 49 Ibid. 55 Ibid. 5C Ibid. 57 Ibid.
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