Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/316

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JoNATHAK Straight to the prebond of Wittering, 23rd

March 1730-1^^. John Penfold to the prebend of East Thorney, 9th

Feb. 1731-2^^. Thomas Spatemax to the prebend of Ferring, 19th

Aug. 1734, vice Richard Chapman s^. JoHX Wynne to the prebend of Seaford, 3rd July 1735,

vice WilHam Sherwin^^ John Wynne to the prebend of Heathfield, 28th

June 1736, vice Thomas Hayley promoted to the

deanery 6"^. Geobge Adams to the prebend of Seaford, 24th Aug.

1736, vice John Wynne resigned^J. George Adams to the prebend of Wittering, 28th Oct.

1736, vice John Straight ^^. Thomas Hutchinson to the prebend of Seaford, 4th

Jan. 1736-7, vice George Adams resigned '^^. Samuel Speed to the prebend Bursahs, J4th Feb.

1738-9, vice sir Lewin Beaumont bart.^^ John Evanson to the prebend of Somcrloy, 27th July

1739, vice Thomas Gooch promoted to the see of

Norwich 7.

Thomas Cheyney to the prebend Exceit, 14th Dec.

17396'*. Ob. 27th Jan. 1760. John Fraxklaxd to the prebend of Barksham, j 8th

Feb. 1741-2, vice Bartholomew Cox ^9. Thomas Doyly to the prebend of Selsoy, 29th Sept.

1743, vice Benjamin Langwith^o. Thomas Doyly to the prebend of Bishopshurst, 29th

Sept. 1743, vice Walter Bartelot^^. John Hancock to the prebend of Hampstead, 27th

April 1744, vice Richard Green resigned 7 2.

��58 Bishops' Certificates. ^7 Bishops' Certificates.

69 Ibid. wibid. 68 Ibid. C9ibid.

6> Ibid. 62 Ibid. 70 Ibid. 71 Ibid.

63 Ibid. 64 Ibid. 72 Ibid,

65 Ibid. 66 Ibid.


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