JoHX GratwicK Challex to the prebend of Waltham, 2oth Dec. 1817, vice Thomas Cobb 5^.
Edward Robert Rayxes to the prebend of Selsey, 27th Dec. 181 7, vice John Gratwick Challen^^.
William Peckham Woodward to the prebend of Sidlesham, 12th June 18 19, vice Thomas Hudson 9^.
David Williams to the prebend Bursahs. 13th Oct. 1820, vice William Beaumont Busby "5^.
Robert James Carr to the prebend of Ipthorne. 24th July 1821, vice sir Henry Poole bart.^"
Samuel Hollaxd to the prebend of Woodham, 24th Jan. 1822, vice Drake Hollingbery^'^.
Thomas Baker to the prebend of Thorney, 28th Jan. 1822, vice Samuel Holland resigned ^-^
Robert Tredcroft to the prebend of Hampstead^ 9th Oct. 1822, vice William Kinleside^
George Wells to the prebend Exceit, 10th Oct. 1822, vice Robert Lowth-.
Thomas Valextixe to the prebend of Selsey, 26th Jan. 1824, vice Edward Robert Raynes^.
Charles Webber junior to the prebend of Highley^ 28th June 1824, vice George Bliss^.
Charles Edward Hutchinson to the prebend of Ipthorne, 19th Nov. 1824, vice Robert James Carr^.
Charles Gray to the prebend of Bury, nth May 1825, vice Robert Gray'^. Edmuxd Catwright to the prebend of Ferring, 23rd
June 1826, vice James Dallaway". Hugh James Rose to the prebend of Middleton, 23rd
Feb. 1827, \nce George Pelham^. George Hexry Webber to the prebend of Somerley,
25th July 1827, vice James Webber^.
��93 Bishops'
�^ Bishops'
�^ Ibid.
�95 Ibid.
�-> Ibid.
�5 Ibid.
�^ Ibid.
�9- Ibid.
�6 Ibid.
�93 Ibid.
�99 Ibid.
�s Ibid.
�9 Ibid.
�1 Ibid.
�2 Ibid.
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