Peter Wood to the prebend of Sutton, 13th Feb.
1828, vice George Metcalfe i^. George Blaxd to the prebend of Thorney, 23rd Jan.
1832, vice Thomas Baker i^ Martin Day to the prebend of Heathfield, 14th June
1832, vice Edward Fulham*^. AViLLiAM Turner to the prebend of Seaford, ist Nov.
1832, vice John Lettice^^. William Forbes Raymond to the prebend of Ool-
worth, 19th Dec. 1832, vice George Frederick Nott^^, George Waddington to the prebend of Ferring, 14th
April 1833, vice Edmund Cartwrighti^. Arthur Atherley junior to the prebend of Middle- ton, 29th Nov. 1833, vice Hugh James Rose^^. Henry Atkins to the prebend of Wightring, 1 6th May
1834, vice Thomas Francis Davison i7. Ob. 8th Oct.
1842, setat. 67. Charles Pilkington to the prebend of Wyndham, 5th
June 1834, vice Henry Atkins 1^. Robert Ridsdale to the prebend of Fittleworth, T6th
March 1835, vice James Capper i^. Charles Webber junior to the prebend of Somerley,
23rd Nov. 1840, vice Harry Webber 20. James Roydon Hughes to the prebend Bursalis, i6th
Dec. 1840, vice David Williams -^ Thomas Brown to the prebend of Highley, 24th Dec.
1840, vice Charles Webber junior 22.
Stephen Barbat to the prebend of Ferring, 20th Feb.
1 84 1, vice George Waddington 3.
Robert Allen to the prebend Exceit, 5th March 1 841 24.
Edward Houghton Johnson to the prebend of Hova Ecclesia, 17th June 1841, vice Henry Plimley^^.
10 Bishops' Certificates. is* Bishops' Certificates.
"Ibid. 12 Ibid. 20 Ibid. 21 Ibid..
13 Ibid. 14 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 23 Ibid.
15 Ibid. i Ibid. 24 Ibid. 25 Ibid.
17 Ibid. 18 Ibid.
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