Henry Winckworth Simpson to the prebend of
Heathfield, loth Aug. 1841, vice Martin Davy^e. Thomas Pitman to the prebend of Wisborough, 27th
Aug. 1841, vice Richard Constable -7. Thomas Stuart Lyle Vegan had the prebend of
Whitring, vice Henry Atkins^^. Henry Browne to the prebend of Waltham, 9th Dec.
1842, vice John Gratwick Challen'^^. Henry Burgess Whitaker Churton to the prebend
of Colworth, 1 6th Dec. 1842, vice William Forbes
Raymond ^. James Garbett to the prebend of Barksham, 12th
April 1844, vice Thomas Heberden-^i. William Willinger to the prebend of Hampstead,
nth Jan. 1847, vice Robert Redcroft^s. Gilbert Henry Langdon to the prebend of Bishops- hurst, 14th July 1848, vice Charles Webber^a. George Miles Cooper to the prebend of Hova villa,
7th Sept. 1849, vice William St. Andrew Vincent 3"*. Thomas Baden Powell to the prebend of Sidlesham,
1 2th Oct. 1849, vice Wilham Peckham Woodward ^^ Benjamin Thomas Halcott to the prebend of So-
merley, 12th April 1850, vice Charles Webber 3^. William Bruere Otter to the prebend of Somerley,
23rd Aug. 1850, vice Benjamin Thomas Halcott 37,
��26 Bishops' Certificates. 33 Bishops' Certificates.
27 Ibid. 28 Ibid. 34 Ibid. 35 Ibid. 29 Ibid. 30 Ibid. 36 Ibid. 37 Ibid.
31 Ibid. 32 Ibid.
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