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i^oy^^. A conge d'elire vice bishop Guy issued 2nd Oct. 14079; nevertheless sj 1408 He-^uy CHicnEi.F.Y,LIj.D., chaficellor 0/ S'alisbiirt/, was 9Hen.IV. provided to this see by pope Gregory XII, 4th Oct. 1407. The King restored the temporalities to him 3rd April 1408^'^, and he was consecrated before the 27th April 1408. He made his profession of obedience 26th Aug. following, and received the spiritualities on that day ^-^ ; but he was not enthroned until 20th May 141 1. He was translated to Canterbury by bull dated 27th April 1414^

1414 .John Catuik or Kkterioii, arclideacon of Surrey ^ was

2 Hen.V. provided to this see by the Pope 27th April 1414'^,

and the temporalities were restored to him 2nd June following '. He made his profession of obedience on the 18th of the next month, and ]st Feb. 14145 he was translated to Lichfield and Coventry.

1415 Stephen Patryngton, a Carmelite friar and the King's

3 Hen.V. confessor, was provided to the see of St. David's by

bull of provision dated 1st Feb. 14 14-5, and conse- i

crated 19th June 1415 '. The temporalities were re- stored to him on the i6th of that month', and in 1417 he was translated to Chichester^. 1418 Benedict Niciioli.s, hishoj) of Banqor, was translated 6 Hen.V. to the see of St. David's 15th Dec. 141 7 7, and he made his profession of obedience to the Archbishop 1 2th Feb. following. The temporalities were restored


��^^ Reg. Arund. pars ii. fol. was granted to him as early a.s '|

^47- 6th April 1415. Pat. 3 Hen.V. ]

^'^ Pat. 9 Hen. IV. p. 1. m. 34. p. i, m. 33. 9^ Ibid. p. 2. mm. 28, 23. The custody of the tempo-

99 Reg. Arund. fol. 42. ralities of the see of Chichester

' Reg. Chichel. fol. 2, and Pat. was granted to him 25th Aug.

2 Hen. V. p. I. m. 41. 1417. (Pat. 4 Hen.V. ml 17.) He

2 Reg. Chichel. fol. 6. made his will while he was bishop

3 Pat. 2 Hen. V. p. i. m. 19. of St. David's : it is dated i6th ^Dat' Constanc. Kal. Feb. Nov. 1417. Reg. Chichel. 310.

pont. nostri anno quinto." Reg. 7 Rgg. ipsius Episcopi. The

Chichel. fol. 9. Pope's bull for his translation is

^ Pat. 3 Hen. V. p. i. m. 4. dated xviii Cal. Januar. (15th

The custody of the temporalities Dec.) 1417. Reg. Chichel. f. 16.

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