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��to him 1st June 1418^. He died 25th June 1433; and his will, made 14th June 1433, was proved J4th Aug. following ^J. The conge d'elire, vice bishop Benedict, issued 1 6th July 1433 1". 1433 Thomas Rodburn, a canon of Salisbury and archdeacon laHen.Vl. of Sudbury, was provided to this see by papal bull dated 5th Oct. 1433^1. The temporalities were re- stored to him 16th Dec. in that year^^, and he was consecrated 31st Jan. 14334'-*. The time of his death does not appear, but the license to elect his successor is dated 3rd July 1442 ^'^ m 1442 William Linwood, LL.D., dean of the Court of Arches^ hoHen.VI. yvas appointed by the Pope, and the King restored the temporalities to him J4th Aug. 1442^^. He was consecrated in the chapel of St. Stephen, at West- minster, in 1442' '. He died 21st Oct. 1446, and was buried in St. Stephen's chapel, Westminster ' 5*. His will, dated 22nd Nov. 1443, "'^^ proved 26th Nov. 1446 '^ The precentor and canons of St. David's, 8th Nov. 1446, inform the King of the death of Wil- liam their late bishop, and pray that a conge d'elire may be issued 's and a license was accordingly issued 25th Feb. 1446-7 '^ but 1447 John Langton, IAj.T)., president of Pembi^o^e Hall and k Hen, VI. chancellor of the university of Cambridge, was provided

��8 Pat. 6 Hen. V. m. 29.

9 Reg. Chichel. fol. 430.

'<> Pat. II Hen. VI. p. 2. m.17.

1' Reg. Chichel. fol. 51.

1- Pat. 12 Hen. VI. p. i. m.20.

'^* Reg. ipsius. The license for his consecration to take place out of the diocese of Canterbury is dated 19th Oct. 1433. Reg. Eccl. Cantuar.

13 Pat. 20 Hen. VI. p. 3. m. 13.

1^ Ibid. m. 22.

IS " Lego .... corpusque me- um sepeliendum in capella sancti Stephani apud Westmonasteri- um ubi inunus consecracionis


* Obituar. S. Steph.Westm. in Bibl. Cott. Faust. B. viii. A body swathed in cerements was found in Jan. 1852 built in the wall of the crypt under the cha- pel of St. Stephen, Westminster ; and it is supposed to be that of bishop Linwood. See the Report of the Committee of the Society of Antiquaries, Archaeol. xxxiv. pp. 406430.

!*> Reg. Staftbrd, fol. 142.

'^ Lett, in Turr. Lond. temp. Hen. VI.

'*^ Pat. 25 Hen. VI. p. 1. m. 6.

��VOL. I.

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