298 ST. DAVID'S.
to this see by papal bull dated x Kal. Feb. (23rd Jan. 1446-7). The temporalities were restored to him 2nd March 1446-7^9^ and he was consecrated in King's College, Cambridge, 7th May following'-'^; but he died within fifteen days of his consecration, and was suc- ceeded by 1447 John de la Bere-^, dean of Wells, promoted to the
26 Hen.VI. bishopric of St. David's by papal bull dated T5th Sept. 1447 ^'2. He was consecrated 12th Nov., made his profession of obedience to the archbishop on the 13th, and had the temporalities restored to him on the 14th of that month -^. On 1 ^th Feb. 1456-7 he was excused from attending parliament on account of his age and infirmities-*. He seems to have resigned his bishopric before his death^ as he obtained the King's pardon 6th Feb. 1461 -^, after the temporalities had been restored to his successor. 1460 Robert Tully, S.T.P., was provided to this see by
39 Hen. VI. papal bull. On 28th Aug. 1460 he obtained a license
to be consecrated-'^, and restitution of the temporalities
20th Oct. following-". He died in 1481, and was
buried at Tenby in Pembrokeshire.
1482 Richard Martyn, archdeacon of London, was promoted
22Edw.IV. to the see of St. David's by papal bull dated 26th April 1482; the King had however granted to him
19 Pat. 25 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 31. delibus suis ad quos &c. salu-
20 Reg. Alnwick. Ep. Line. tern, Sciatis quod de gratia nostra
21 Called also Delavere, alias speciali, et ex mero motu nostro, Dalberd. pardonavimus remisimus et re-
22 Reg. Stafford. laxa\amus Johanni nuper Mene-
23 Pat. 26 Hen. VI. p. I. m. 18. vensi Episcopo, alias dicto Jo- The King, 13th Nov., informed hanni de la Beare, nuper Mene- the Chancellor, by letter missive, vensi Episcopo, seu quocumque that John de la Bere, his great alio nomine censeatur, orani- almoner, had done fealty to him modas transgressiones, offensas, for the temporalities of the bi- mesprisiones, contemptus et im- shopric of St. David's, and com- petiones per ipsum Episcopum manded the Chancellor to issue ante vicesiraum sextum diem Ja- the usual jmtent for the restitu- nuarii ultimo pra;teritum, &c. tion of the temporalities. 6 die Feb. Pat. 39 Hen. VI. m. 6,
24 Pat. 35 Hen. VI. p. 1. m. 7. 26 Rgg Eccl. Cantuar.
^' Rex omnibus balhvis et fi- 27 p^t. ^(j Hen. VI. m. 15.
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