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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/342

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��He died in 1504-^, and was buried in the cathedral of St. David's. 1505 Robert Sheebouex, dean of St. PauVs, was promoted

20 H. VII. to this see by the Pope, and had the temporah'ties re- stored to him 12th April 1505^^. Having obtained licen.se to be consecrated ^'^ that ceremony was per- formed on Whit Sunday (11th May) in that year^". He was translated to Chichester by papal bull dated J 8th Sept. 1508 4s. 1509 Edwaed Vaughav, archdeacon 0/ Lewes, was provided

I H. VIII. iQ this see by papal bull dated 13th Jan. 1508-9^, and was consecrated 22nd July following: the tempo- ralities were restored to him 2nd Aug.'^^ He died in Nov. 1522, and was buried in his own cathedral, in a chapel which he had erected. His will, dated 20th May 152 1, was proved 27th Jan. 1522-3. 1523 RicHAED Rawlins, arcli/Jjeacon of Hurdingdon and Clece-

15 H. VIII. land, was appointed bishop of St. David'.s by bull dated nth March 15223, and the temporahties were re- stored to him 24th April 1523^'. He was consecrated on the 26th of the same month-, and died i8th Feb.

1536 William Baelow, huhop of St. Asaph, was elected to

27 H. VIII. St. David's icth April 1536, and confirmed on the

2i6t of the same month ^*. On 3rd Feb. 1547-8 he

was translated to Bath and Wells.

1548 RoBLET Fkueae was nominated by the King pursuant

2Edw.\ L to act of parliament \ and obtained restitution of the

��44 HiB will, dated s.^th April 1504, was proved 24th May 1504 in the Prerogative Court of Can- terbury.

45 Pat. 20 H.VII.p. 2. m. 22. ^' ^ii. Warham, fol. ir.

^ Eleg. Smith. Line. ^ Eleg. Warham . fol. 12. ^ Ibid. fol. 13. Id. .laniaarii. 5Pat. iHen.VIII.p. I m.i2. "'" Pat. 15 H. VIII. p. 2. rii.13. ^ Rfeg. Warham, fol. 25.

  • ^ Rfcg. Crantn.

��^ Ibid. fol. 2or,.

'"> Stat. I Edw. VI. "Cum, per f^uendam actum in Parliamento noetro inchoate apud Vseatmo- na.sterium quarto die Novembris anno regrii not-tri primo, ac ibi- dem tento, inter alia Statuta pro Republica nostra edita, ordina- tum enactum et htabiliturn fuerit quod nullum Breve de Licentia Eligendi C\'uljiaritr vocatum (Ihwjh (Vkslire) deinceps concefi- ura foret, nee electio alicujus

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