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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/343

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temporalities 3151 July 1548'^ He was consecrated at Chertsey 9th Sept. in that year^", and was de- prived 19th March 1554-5 '-. He suffered mart}-rdom at Caemiarthen 30th March 1555. A conge dVUre to elect a bishop in the room of Robert Ferrar issued 19th March 1554-5 ^^ in pursuance of which 1554 Hkxry Mokgax was elected 26th March 1554, con- 2 Max. secrated at St. Saviours, Southwark. 1st April fol- lowing^\ and obtained the temporalities on the -3rd of the same month "^^ He was deprived about Mid- summer i5j;9, died 23rd Dec. following, and was buried at Wolvercote, near Oxford fr-. 15*^0 Thomas Youxg was elected 6th Dec. 1559'^'. confirmed

2 Eiiz. 18th of Jan. 1559-60, consecrated at Lambeth on

the 2ist of the same month <^. and obtained the tem- poralities 23rd March following*-\ He was elected to York 27th Jan. 1560-61. A license to elect a bishop in the room of Thomas Young issued 20th Feb. 1 5606 1 "^j in pursuance of which 1561 RicHAKD Davyes, bis^i>p of Si Asapli, was elected i8th

3 Eliz. Mar. 1560-6 1 *, and confirmed 2 ist May. He received

the temporalities 2nd June", died "th Xov. 1581, and was buried in the church of Aberg\villy, near Caer- marthen. His will is in the Prerogative Office, Lon- don^^. The spiritualities after his death were seized into the hands of the archbishop 15th Nov. 1581'^.

��archiepiscopi seu episcopi per '^^ R^. ipsius.

decanum et capitulum tieret, sed <^"i Pat. i Mar. p. i. m. 3i.

quod nos, per litteras nostras pa- ^- Ath. Qson.

tentes, quolibet tempore cum ali- ^ He had a grant in commen-

quis archiepiscopatus seu episco- dam 2 jnd Dec. i5o9- Pat. 2 Elix.

patus vacaret, alicui persona?, p. 14. m. 32.

quern nos idonemn existimare- ^ Reg. Parker, fol. 54.

mus. evmdem conferre possemus "^^ Pat. 2 Elir. p. 14. m. 3.

et \-aleamus," &c. Pat. 2 Edw. ^ P^x. 3 Elliz. p. 9. m. 33.

VI. p. 1. m.37. * Reg. Eccl. Menev.

^ Pat. 2 Edw. VI. p. I. m. 37. ^ Pat. 3 Eliz. p. 7. m. 3.

^' Reg. Cranm. fol. 327. *^ D'Arcy, 45.

^"^ Pat. 1 Mar. p. 7. ra.34. "^ Reg. Parker.

^* Ibid. P. I. m.34.

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