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302 ST. DAVIirS.

1582 MariMadikk Middleton, bishop of Water/ord, was

24 Eliz. translated to this see to which he was elected 28th Sept. i5<S2o, and confirmed 6th Dec. He was de- prived in 1590, and died 30th Nov. 1593, and was buried at Windsor. The spiritualities at his death were taken into the hands of the archbishop 7th Dec. 1593 "^ A conge d'elire issued 22nd Fob. i593-4"-j in pursuance of which 1594 AxTHONY Rl^dd, S.T.P., dean of Gloucester, was elected

36Eiiz. 8th March 1593-4, received the royal assent 24th May"*^, was confirmed 8ih June, and consecrated the next day"^ He received the temporalities 12th July", and died 7th March 1614-5, and was buried at Llangathan in the county of Cacrmarthen*. Tho spiritualities after iiis death were seized into the hands of the archbishop 20th March 16145. 1615 Richard IMilboiune, S.T.P., dean of Rochester, was

i3Jac.I. elected 20th April 1615, confirmed 8th July^^, and consecrated the next day at Lambeth77. He was translated to Carlisle in 1621"^. 1621 William Laud, dean of Gloucester, archdeacon ofllunt-

jQjac. I. ingdon, and provost of St. John's College, Oxford, was elected loth Oct. 1621, confirmed 17th Nov., and con- secrated the next day at the chapel in London House". He was translated to Bath and Wells in 1626. The conge d'elirc, vice bishop Laud translated, issued 29th June 1627", in pursuance of which 1627 Theophilus Field, bishop of Llandaff, was elected

3 Car. I. 12th July 1627; he obtained the royal assent 15th Aug. following, and the archbishop's confirmation

'^ Reg. Eccl. Menev. The * His will is in the Prerogative

Canterbury Register states that Office. Rudd. 32.

he was elected 20th Nov. 1582. ^ Camd. Annal. Jac. I.

See Reg. Grindal, fol. 71. " Reg. Abbot, fol. 51.

"' Reg. Whitgift. '^ Camden in his Annals of

'2 Pat. 36 Eliz. p. 12. m. 5. James I. says in June 1621.

73 Ibid. 79 Reg Abbot, pars ii. fol. 79.

74 Reg. Whitg. pars ii. fol. 19. so Pat. 3 Car. I. p. 38. N". 16. 7-' Pat. 36 Eliz. p. 12. m. 5. ^i ibid. No. 15.

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