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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/352

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admitted 4th March and installed 17th April 1667. Ob. izxiA June 167S.

George Owkx. collated icth July 167S. Ob. 20th Oct. 169c.

JoHX Medley. A.M.. \>-as collated 12th March 1690^-1, and airain on 2-th July 1691. During his tenure of office, one Arnold Bowen obtained a title from the Crown to this archdeaconry, pretending that Mr. Meilley came in by simony ; but he was soon ejected. Medley died i6th Dec. 1731. and was succeeded by

Walter Mokgax. instituted icth Feb. 1731-2.

Abthfb William, presented by the Crown and insti- tuted 26th May 1732.

RicHAKT Davies. collated ist Sept. and installed 3rd

^Pt- 173:- Thomas Bukton, 1st Aug. 1749. Charles Moss. 26th Deo. 1767. Ralph Chuktox. i8th Sept. 1805. Fdwakd OweXj 2 1st April 1S31. Thomas Bevax, nth June 1S33.


Ellas occurs archdeacon about the years 1135 and

114c. JoKDAX. between the years 1144 and 1 1 75. GiKALDrs Cambrensis, alias de Barry, occurs anno

1175. He was. anno 11 99, nominated bishop of this

see, but not consecrated. Wllliam de Bakbt. nephew to Giraldus Cambrensis.

occurs about 1203. OsBEKT was witness to a charter of confirmation made

bv Walter Fitz-Evnam. of the vill of Glascum, granted

to the Church of St. David's between the years 12 14

and 1229. JoHX occurs icth Oct. 1254,

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