JoHX DE Fkkeham OCCOTS in 12^53. He died acao
1274, Hexmy i Villamloft oeeare in 1274, Ob. 1278. Adam Baeeth, treag^rer of Hm tiMrdi, meeeeded in
1276, and held it in 1302. Philip ap Howell held this dignitT circa 13 13- Gkiffith ap KuKEri ctceoTB 9th April 1345. MoKGAx AF Eyxok, Collated 26th 3Iay 1389- RicHAUD Gyldefobd was admitted 24th April I4^. RoG SxAFFoen bi^ the office in Jolj 1408. William Fakkixgtos, eollated 14th or i8th Feb.
1 41 0-1 1. Ob. 1420.
RoBLET MoxTGOMEur OCCOTS in 142 1. He reigned
25th ilarch 1437- LEWfiLLYX AF Madoc,. alias Lewes Rei*e, ecAited
26th March 1437. KoBEKT Chezberg, ooQated i5th June 1437- Davi Cheeberg. collated 12th Nor. 1437- H wiD
is dated 9th Not. 1456. JoHX h^ the office between 1460 and 1480. William Thomas held the office in 1497. William Waltee held thi= dignitT in fjoc and 1520. RicHABD Fetheestok ^pointed bj lettefs potent 8th
April 1523. Richard Gwext oceors in 1534- His wiD is dated
2i=t Julv 1543. proved 6th Feb- ftJlowing. Thomas Ow&ax saeeeeded in 543. JoH>" Williams oceors in 1553. JoHX Blaxtox, etJlated ist Jnlr 1554. Geobge Coxstaxtixe, ecdlated nth or i5th Sox. 1559. William Dowxham, A-iL, oeeors in 1559- Waltee Joxes, A.M., was collated 3Td Feb, 1560-1.
He reagned this ardftdeaeonij in 1557. William Blethix. collated 25th or 27th July 1567. AxDEEw Vaex or Vaughax, alias Phelifs, installed
ijth March 1577-8, Isaac Sixgletox. A.M^ ooDated 3rd Feb. 1619 2c.
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