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died, and was buried in his own cathedral on the 27th of that month 37. The conge d'elire, vice bishop de Burgh, issued 10th Jan. 122893^. 1229 Hugh de Norwold or Northwolde, abbot of St.Ed- Hen.III. mondshury^ received the royal assent to his election 3rd Feb. 1228939, and was consecrated on Trinity Sunday loth June (ivid. Junii) 1229^0^ jjg ^\q^ 5th Aug. (viii Id. Aug.) 1254^^ and was buried in his own cathedral. The custody of the bishopric was granted 1 2th Aug. 1254'*^. The date of the license for the election of the next bishop does not appear, but 1254 VViLLiAJM DE KiLKExxv or KiRKExxY, arcJidecicon of Hen.lli. Coventry/, and chancellor of Enqland^ was chosen by the dean and chapter about INIichaclmas^^ He ob- tained the royal assent to his election 25th Dec. 1 254'*'*, and was consecrated in Savoy*, by Boniface archbishop of Canterbury, 15th Aug. 1255^^. He died in Spain 2Tst Sept. (xi Kal. Oct.) 1256, and his body was buried at "Sugho" in that kingdom, but his heart was brought to England and deposited in his own cathe- dral^^. The license for the election of the successor to William de Kilkenny bears date 9th Nov. 1256'". It seems that the King had signified his desire to the prior and convent of Ely, that they should elect Henry de Wengham, chancellor of England, as their bishop ; but notwithstanding the King's recommendation they chose

j, 258 Hugh Balsham or Belesale, suh-prior of Ely , who was Hen. III. elected 13th Nov. 1256 ; the King disapproving of the

^7 Hist. Eliens. Burton. Matt. Paris incorrectly

38 Pat. 13 Hen. HI. m. 10. says 9th Aug.

39 Ibid. m. 7. -12 Pat. 38 Hen. HI. m. 2. "lO Matt. Westm. and Matt. '^ Annal. Burton.

Paris. The monk of Ely states 4^ Pat. 39 Hen. HI. m. 16.

that he was consecrated iv Xon. * " Apud Bolesium in Sabau-

Jun. (2nd June) 1229, 12 Hen. dia,"

HI., both of which dates how- ^^ Matt. ^Yest. and Matt. Par.

ever are incorrect. -16 Monach. Ehens. Hist.

^' Hist. Eliens. and Annal. -^^ Pat. 41 Hen. III. m. 17.


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