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330 ELY.

election, Boniface, archbishop of Canterbury, annulled it, and nominated Adam de Marisco to the vacant see ; upon which Kalsham appealed to the court of Rome, which decided in his favour 6th Oct. 1257 ; he was consecrated at Rome on the 14th of that month ^^, and the King was induced to restore the tem- poralities to him 15th Jan. 1 257-8 -o. Ho died 16th June 1286^'^' at Dodington, and was buried in his own cathedral, before the high altar, on the 24th of that month. The next prelate of this see appears to have been 1286 John de Kirkeby, archdeacon of Coventry and canon i4Edw. I. of Wells and York, though neither the conge d'elire which brought him there nor the royal assent to his election are recorded^' ; he appears however to have been elected 26th July 1286^-; and pi-esented to the King at Melun on Seine in France 7th Aug., and con- firmed by the archbishop on the 17th of that month. He received the temporalities 7th Sept. following ^3, and his consecration took place on the 22nd of that month '^ in Canterbury cathedral, and ho was en- throned 24th Dec. following. He died 26th March 1290 at Ely, and was buried in his own cathedral^\ The prior and convent of Ely, 31st March 1290, pray for a conge d'elire in the room of John de Kirkeby their late bishop ^^, and the license to elect a bishop is

^ MS. Eliens. than cumber himself with so

"^^ Pat. 42 Hen. III. m. 14. many charges." Prynne, vol. iii.

50 One authority states that he p. 359.

died at his manor of Downham, ^- Monach. Eliens. Hist.

in the isle of Ely, v Id. Junii (9th Pat. 14 Edw. I. m. 4.

June) 1286. 5'* In a privy seal letter in the

51 He had previously been Tower dated 13th Oct., 14 Edw. elected to the see of Chester I., it is stated that John was (Lichfield) but archbishop Peck- consecrated on the morrow of ham annulled the election " for the feast of St. Matthew the apo- holding many several ecclesias- stle (22nd Sept.).

tical preferments; for that a man .i Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 638.

of so good conscience as a bishop Lett, in Tower of Lond. S.

ought to be, would rather con- no. tent himself with a little living

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