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334 ELY.

license to elect a bishop in the room of John de Keton is dated . . . June 1316^^, and

1316 John de Hothu.m, canon of York, procost of Queen s loEdw. II. College, Oxford, was chosen. The royal assent to his election was given 20th June 13 16 9^', and the tempo- ralities restored to him 2otli July following, on which he also received the ai'chbishop's confirmation -^ and he was consecrated 3rd Oct. He was made chancellor of England j i th June 1318 '*-. He died at Somersham in the beginning of Jan. 1336 7 '^, and was buried in his own cathedral 'J^. The prior and convent of Ely, by letter dated 25th Feb. J 336-7, pray for a license to elect a bishop in the room of John de Hothum deceased. The license was issued 3rd March'"*, and

1337 Simon Montacute, bishop of Worcester, was trans- 1 1 Ed. III. lated^" to this see by bull dated 14th March 1336-7 '->. He received the temporalities 1 ith June following 9^, having done fealty to the king, and renounced all words in the papal bull prejudicial to the King's rights and prerogative ^ He made his profession of obe- dience to the archbishop 3JSt July in that year. He

89 Pat. 9 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 18. 94 Hist. Eliens.

o Ibid. ra. 9. 95 Lett, in Tower of Lond. S.

9' Pat. 10 Edw. II. p. I. m. 33. 138.

9-' Clans. II Edw. II. m. 3. '-^^ Pat. iiEdw. III. p. i. ni.37.

93 The inscription on his tomb 97 According to the Hist. Eli- says that he died 25th Jan. ens., John de Crandene, prior of 1336-7, but the see was vacant Ely, was elected as the successor 14th Jan. 1336-7. A parUament of Hothum in the bishopric of was summoned by writs dated, Ely 12th March (iv Id. Martii); " Westm. xiiij. die Januarii anno but the election appears to have regni nostri decimo," and one been set aside on account of the was sent " custodi spiritualitatis Pope having already translated episcopatus Elien. sede vacante" the bishop of Worcester from (Claus. 10 Edw. III. m. I. in that see to Ely. dorso), and the monk of Ely 98 Bulla Pap. in Turr. Lond., states that he died at Somersham et Reg. Montac. xviii Cal. Feb. nocte preecedente 99 Pat. n Edw. III. p. 2. m. fesium S. Mauri abbatis A. D. 28.

1336, which would be 14th Jan. ' Claus. 11 Edw. III. p. i. m.

  • 336-7- 5- in dorso.

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