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of Ralph deceased, and beg his Majesty to sanction their choice"^. The royal assent was accordingly given 6th May"^. The pi-elate in question was 1303 Robert Orford, prior of Ely, whose election took

3iEdw. I. place 14th April 1302", but the archbishop of Can- terbury would not confirm it ; upon which the monks of Ely appealed to the Pope, and his Holiness con- firmed their choice ; Orford was consecrated at Rome, and the archbishop was therefore compelled to re- ceive his profession as bishop of Ely"^. The tempo- ralities however were not restored to him until 4th Feb. 13023 "^. He died at Downham 2 1st Jan. 1309- 10, and was buried in his own cathedral ^^'. On 10th Feb. 1309-10, the prior and convent received ^^ the conge d'elire^"-, in pursuance of which 1310 John de Ketox or Ketene, a monk of Ely, was chosen

4Edw. II. as the new bishop 2nd March 130910. The King as- sented to the election on the 2i8t of the same month ^'^ and the archbishop of Canterbury confirmed it lotli July^^; on the 18th of which month the temporalities were restored to him'^^ and he was consecrated 6th Sept.s6. He died (Pridie Idus Mali) 14th May 131 6, and was buried near his two last predecessors^. The

��"5 Lett, in Tower of Lond. S. ^l Interim autera Rex et Regina

70- et multi nobiles regni, comites

'^ Pat. 30 Edw. I. m. 2~!^, and et barones scripserunt priori et

Lett, in Tower of Lond. S. 69. toti conventui, subnixe rogantes

^^ Hist. Eliens. pro quodam clerico generoso

'S E Reg. Cantuar. et Norwic. magistro Bonifacio de Salute

"^ Pat. 31 Edw. L m. 39. Lambardo; ut ipsura eligere vel-

SO Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 641. lent in episcopum suum Elyen-

Robertus archiepiscopus mandat senet pastorem. Monach. Eliens.

magistro Ricardo de Otringbam Hist. Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 641.

administratori spiritual, in dioc. 8- Pat. 3 Edw. H. m. 21.

J^lyen. ut annulum pontificalem ^^ Ibid. m. 16.

doinini Robert! episcopi defuncti "^ Reg. TN'inchels.

archiepiscopo Cantuar. de jure S5 Pat. 4 Edw. II. p. i. m. 24,

debitum restitui curaret. Reg. S6 Reg_ Cantuar.

Winchels. sr Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 642.

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