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May 1275, and was buried in his own cathedral '^^. The dean and chapter of Hereford pray the King, i6th May 1275, to issue a conge d'elire on the death of their late bishop John\ and the royal license accord- ingly issued 23rd May ^6, when

1275 Thomas de Cantilupe, archdeacon of Stafford, was 3Edw. I. chosen by the chapter, who, 15th June 1275, pre- sented him to the King^". The royal assent to his election was given on the 20th of the same month ^**, and the archbishop of Canterbury by his letter dated 24th June informed his Majesty that he had con- firmed his election^, and the temporalities were re- stored to him 26th June*^". He was consecrated at Canterbury 8th Sept. following ^1. He died at Monte Fiascone in Italy 25th Aug. 1282, and was buried in the abbey of Saint Severus near Florence, but his bones were brought to England and buried in his own cathe- dral^-, and his heart was deposited in the monastery of Ashridge in co. Bucks. He was canonized about 38 years after his death ^^. The custody of the bishopric was granted to Walter de Rudmerlegh 8th Oct. 1 282^^: but no conge dVlire, vice bishop Cantilupe, is enrolled.

1283 Richard de Svvinefeld, S.T.P., canon of Hereford, II Edw. I. and archdeacon of London'^^ , was elected ist Dec. 1 282,

8J Matthew of Westminster 88 Patt. 3 Edw. I. m. 19. noticingthis prelate wriles/'Obiit ^9 Lett. inTurr. Lond. S. 200. hoc anno lohannes Bretoun Epi- ^ Pat. 3 Edw. I. m. 19. Scopus Herefordensis, qui admo- ^1 Die Nati\'itatis beatae Mariae dum peritus in juribus Anglica- 1275. (Reg. Ric.de Swinf. f.83a.) nis librum de eis conscripsit qui ^2 1279 iii Cal. Aug. (30th vocatur Le Bretoun." But Sel- July)admandatumdominiarchi- den inhisnotesto Hengham, pp. episcopi Cantuar. sigillatum fuit 130, 131, satisfactorily refutes testamentum domini Thomae this statement. He was how- episcopi Hereford. Reg. Peck- ever one of the justices ad Placita ham.

coram Rege in 1269, one of the ^^ The bull is in Wilkins' Con- justices de Banco in 1267, and a cil. ii. pp. 651, 652. & in BuUar. justice in Eyre in 1268. Roman, i. p. 223. ed. 1673.

85 Lett, in Turr. Lond. S. 56. 9^ Pat. 10 Edw. I. m. 5.

86 Pat. 3 Edw. L m. 23. ^^ Memorandum, quod domi-

87 Lett, in Turr. Lond. S. 47. nus Thomas quondam episcopus

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