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��and confirmed on the 3 ist of the same month ^% and the temporahties were restored to him 8th Jan. 1282-357. His consecration took place at Gloucester 7th March in the same year. He died 12th March 1316-7^% and was buried in Hereford cathedral. The conge d'elire vice bishop Swinefeld issued 7th April 131 7^5; but 131 7 Adam de Orleton, LL.D., canon of Hereford, was no- II Edw. II. minated by the Pope, and he made his profession of obedience to archbishop Walter 30th June 13 17'. He received the temporalities 23rd July'-, and consecra- tion at Rome 25th Sept. following-^ By bull dated 25th Sept. 1327 he was translated to Worcester , Thomas Cherltox, LL.D., canon of York, and arch- deacon of Wells and Northumherland, the King's trea-

��1327 1 Ed. III.

��Herefordensis fuit consecratus die nativitatis Beate Marie Virginis anno Domini m.cc.lxxv. et sedit annis vi. mensibus xi. et die- bus xviii. et post ejus obitum vacabat sedes mensibus iii. et diebus vi. et tunc electus est do- minus Ricardus ejus successor, scilicet prima die Decembris anno Domini m.cc.lxxxii. et est conse- cratus in episcopum Hereforden- sem Gloucestrie septima Martii eodem anno. Reg. Ric. de Smnf. f. Ixxxiii. a.

^^ Johannes Archiepiscopus decano et capitulo Hereford, electionem per vos factam de ve- nerabili viro magistro Ricardo de Smnefeud concanonico vestro confirmavimus. DatapudRos2. Cal. Januarii 1282. Reg. Peck- ham.

i*7 Pat. II Edw. I. m. 23.

^^ iv Id. Mar. obiit Dominus Ricardus de Swynfeld Episcopus Hereford(Obituar.Cantuar.) Ob. die S. Gregor. (12th March) An- nal. Landav. Nero A. vm. Some authorities fix 15th May for his death, and others 3i8t March.

��9 Pat. 10 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 22.

1 Professio Adae Hereford epi- scopi facta Waltero Cantuar.; consecratus fuit in curia Romana auctoritate D. Johannis papa^ XXII. anno 131 7, et innovavit istam professionem coram magno altari in ecclesia Cantuar. cum processione solempni in primo adventu suo archiepiscopo tunc absente,viz. die commemorationis Sancti Pauli, hoc est, 2. Cal. Jid. anno supradicto, Reg. Cantuar.

2 Pat. II Edw. II. p. I. m.34.

3 There is some uncertainty a- bout the date of his consecration, &c. Some authorities say he was consecrated 22nd Sept. 131 7, but that must be incorrect, as 22nd Sept. 1317 fell on Thursday; others, that he was consecrated 7th March 131 7-8 (but that day fell on Shrove Tuesday) ; and en- throned on Sunday after Michael- mas day ( I St Oct.) 131 7; and the spiritualities delivered to him 2nd July 1 31 7; and the temporalities on the 13th of the same month.

4 Pat. I Edw. III. p. 3. m. 9. and Clans, i Edw. III. p. i. m. 37.

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