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surer, was promoted by the Pope to the bishopric of Hereford. He was consecrated i8th Oct. 1327, and received the temporalities 21st Dec. following s. He died 1 ith Jan. 1343-4, and was buried at Hereford, in the cathedral. The license to elect in the room of bishop Cherlton is dated 27th Jan. 134347. 1344 John de Trillek, canon of Hereford, was elected 23rd

iSEdw.lil. Fob. 1343-4^, obtained the royal assent 5th March following^, and received the temporalities on the 29th of that month i*^. He was confirmed by the archbishop 27th March, consecrated 24th June^^, and enthroned 24th Oct. following. He died 30th Nov. 1360, and was buried in the presbytery of Hereford cathedral. The conge d'elire, vice John Trillek, issued 1 2th Dec. 1360^2; but 1361 Lewis de Cherletox, S.T.P., came in by papal pro-

35Edw.lll. vision^-^ bull dated iv Id. Sep. (loth Sept.) 1361. He was consecrated 25th Oct.'*, and made his pro- fession of obedience at Otford 3rd Nov. following '5. The temporalities were restored 14th Nov.'*' Ho died 23rd May 1369, and was interred in the cathedral of Hereford. His will, dated 23rd May 1369, was proved Tst July following 17. The license to elect, on the death of Lewis de Cherleton, is dated 8th July 1369'^. 1370 WiLLiAivi Courtenay, LL.D., son of the earl of Devon,

44Edw.Iil. canon of York, was appointed by papal provision and dispensation, he being then only in the 28th year of his age^'J, the bull dated xvi Oal. Sep. ( 1 7th Aug.) 1369. He received the spiritualities 13th March 1369-70^-'* and the temporalities on the 1 9th of the same month 20.

^ Pat. I Edw. III. p. 3. m. 9. Spiritualia accepit iii Non. Nov.

7 Pat. 18 Edw. III. p. I. m. 47. (3rd Nov.) 1361. Reg. Islip.

8 Reg. Trillek. f. 2 a. l'* Reg. Islip. fol. 231.

9 Pat. i8Edw. III. p.i.m.31. 15 Ibid.

'0 Ibid. m. 27. 16 Pat. 35 Edw. III. p.3. m.24.

11 Reg. Islip. I Reg. Wittles. fol. 103.

12 Pat.34Edw.III. p.3. m. 5. >8 Pat.43Edw.III. p.i.m.36.

13 Electus ab una parte capi- 19 Reg. Wittles.

tuli, Johannes autem Barnet 19* Reg. Courtenay f. 2 a. archidiaconus London ab altera. 20 Pat. 44 Edw. III. p. i. m. 33.

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