Henry Martyn, collated 3rd March 151516. He died 27th Jan. 1523-4.
Humphrey Ogle, collated 28th Jan. 1523-4, and re- signed in 1536.
Richard Sparchford, collated 14th Aug. 1536.
Nicholas Smith, collated 23rd Dec. 1560.
Robert Grensil, collated 20th Oct. 1561. Died 1579.
William Greenwich, called also Greenvill, in- stalled 30th JNlarch 1580.
Morgan Godwin, admitted 24th April 1631'^'. Died after the year 1 644.
Thomas Cooke, installed 24th Sept. 1660. Ob. 6th April 1669.
Stephen Philips, installed 8th May 1669, vice Tho- mas Cooke ^-. Ob. 20th Aug. 1684, setat, 46.
Francis Wheeler, installed 25th Aug. 1684^-^. Ob. in Dec. 1686. His will, dated 8th Feb. 1682-3, ^^^ proved 12th Feb. 1686-7.
Adam Otley, installed 5th Jan. 1686-7, vice Francis Wheeler, deceased ^^. He was preferred to the see of St. David's in 17 13.
Robert Comyn, instituted 18th July 1713, vice Adam Otley, promoted to the bishopric of St. David"'s-^\
Richard Crosse, instituted 24th Jan. j 726-7 ^.
Samuel Croxall, collated ist July 1732^7.
Robert Breton, collated 6th May 1738, vice Samuel Croxall, resigned ^s.
Egerton Leigh, collated ist Jan. 1 740-1, vice Robert Breton, resigned ^9.
John Harley, collated nth Feb. 1760, vice Egerton Leigh 60.
Robert Clive, collated 2nd Feb. 1769, vice Hon. John
Harley, resigned ^i. Joseph Plymley, collated 4th Aug. 1792, vice Robert
Clive, deceased 6"^.
^' Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Bishops' Certificates.
52 Ibid. 53 Ibid. 57 Ibid. 58 Ibid. 59 Ibid.
54 Ibid. 55 Ibid. 60 Ibid. 61 Ibid. 62 Ibid.
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