Joseph Corbett. William Vickers.
William Waring, collated i6th Aug. 1851, vice Wil- liam Vickers 63.
Gilbert was precentor about the year IJ50.
Reginald between 1 150 and 1163.
Richard seems to have followed Reginald, and
William de Kilpec to have succeeded Richard.
William Foliot held the dignity in 11 95 and 12 13.
Thomas Foliot occurs about 1226 6^.
Robert Swardeby had the King's letters of protection
dated 23rd Nov. 1233 6^. Died 4th June. Emeric de Aquablanca held the office in 1263, and
had letters of safe conduct dated 12th June and 8th
July 126466. He seems to have resigned the precen-
torship for the chancellorship. Hervey de Borham held this dignity in 1 270. He
died 7th Oct. 1276. He was also dean of St. PauFs,
London. William de Montfort was collated 4th Jan. 1276-7.
He was also dean of St. Paul's, and died in 12946/. John de Swinfeld, or Swinfeud, held this dignity in
1294 and 131 1. Richard Havering held it in 1329; but the King
disputed his title and conferred the office on John de Hoo of Exeter 30th March 133068, and
afterwards on John de Asheton 1st May 13306^. Richard Havering was confirmed in the dignity by
the King i3th Dec. i33o"o. Thomas of Winchester held it in 1346, and resigned
it in 1349.
63 Bishops' Certificates. Peckham.
64 Chart. II Hen. III. p. 2. 68 Pat. 4 Edw. III. p. i.
65 Pat. 18 Hen. III. m. 17. 69 Pat. 4 Edw. III. p. i.
66 Pat. 48 Hen. III. mm. 9,11. ^^ Ibid. p. 2. m. 24.
67 Pat. 8 Edw. I. m. 7, et Reg.
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