to the Pope, relative to a dispute with the King[1]. He was buried in the monastery of the Friars Minors at St. Gemma[2], but a MS. authority[3] states that his body was brought to England and buried in Christ Church, Canterbury[4].
Ralph de Neville, bishop of Chichester, and the King's chancellor, was chosen by the monks, and the royal assent given to his election 24th Sept. 1231[5]. That prelate however refused the primacy, and the monks appealed to Rome; but the King having written to the Pope by the advice of his chancellor, complaining that the monks had elected an archbishop without obtaining the royal license, and praying the Pope to annul such election, the holy see acceded to the King's request[6] and set aside the election[7]. The King in the meanwhile issued his congé d'élire dated 7th March 1232[8], and
John, the sub-prior of Canterbury, was chosen, and the royal assent was given to his election 22nd May 1232[9]; but the Pope annulled the election[10] and the King issued a second congé d'élire 2nd Aug.[11], and
- ↑ Matt. Paris.
- ↑ Ibid.
- ↑ Coll. Kennet. MS. E.
- ↑ Ibid.
- ↑ Matt. Paris.
- ↑ On this subject however Matthew of Westminster writes, "Sed postquam hæc postulatio domino papae significata innotuit facta diligenti inquisitione de moribus ejus a magistro Simone de Langeton timens zelum fidelis viri, ne quandoque regnum Angliæ, quod sincere corde diligebat, de jugo tributi, quo tenebatur, niteretur excutere, respondit, quod rapidus erat in verbo et præsumptuosus in opere, nee erat talis, dignus tali prasrogativa. Et ut facilius resilirent monachi a proposito, benigne concessit eis licentiam, alium sibi in archiepiscopum eligere vel postulare."
- ↑ Pat. 16 Hen. III. m. 8. and Matt. Paris.
- ↑ Pat. 16 Hen. III. m. 8.
- ↑ Ibid.
- ↑ Matt. Paris. Venit eodem tempore Romam prior Cantuar. Johannes electus Cantuar. ut ejus electio à domino papa confirmaretur. Sed quia papa videbat eum nimis senem et simplicem; et minus idoneum tantae dignitati persuasit ei, ut cederet in spiritulenitatis, quia credidit eum esse sanctum, et bene religiosum. Ipse vero libenter, et in spiritu humilitatis, factae electioni renunciavit. Matt. Westm.
- ↑ Pat. 16 Hen. III. m. 3.