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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/583

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Aldulf succeeded Higbert in the year 786, and was consecrated by Eanbald archbishop of York, assisted bj bishops Tilberht of Hexham, and Hylbald of Lin- disfarn^^-^. He, at the request of king Offa of Mercia, and with the sanction of the court of Rome, exercised the jurisdiction of an archbishop. He received his pall from pope Adrian L, and the bishops of Here- ford, Worcester, Leicester, Sidnacester, Elmham and Dunwich, were made his suffragans. In the year 803, at the council of Cloveshoe, called by command of pope Leo III., the archbishop of Canterbury was re- stored to the jurisdiction of which he had been de- prived by pope Adrian ; and Aldulf was present at the council, and subscribed to it as bishop of Lich- field^^. The time of his death is not known ^5, but his name appears as a witness to three or four charters in 81436.

Humbert37. So Le Neve, following Godwin; but see note 37.

Herewin is said to have been consecrated by Wulfred, archbishop of Canterbury. He witnessed a charter in 8 J 6, and was present at a council held in 816^^.

HiGBERT^Q. So Le Neve, on the authority of Godwin; but see note '^^ .

��33 Hoved. fol. 232 a. et Sim. if there were a bishop of Lich-

Dunelm. ad annum. field so called at this period, he

3-1 Concil. Angl. p. 325. must have presided but a very

35 He is said by some to have short time. Matthew of West- died in 812, and by others in 814; minster under the year 795 incor- which last-mentioned date seems rectly writes, Anno gratise 795 correct. defuncto Humberto Lichefeldensi

36 See Kemble's Codex, vol. ii. archiepiscopo, Higbertus suc- pp. 25T. 255. 257. 260. 261. cessit.

37 His name does not appear 38 Concil. Angl. torn. i. p. 328. either in Malmesbury's list of 39 Omitted in the lists of the bishops of Lichfield or in Malmesbury and Florence of that of Florence of Worcester ; Worcester. The only authority as Aldulf was alive in 814, for his name is Matt. Westmin- and Herewin in office in 816, ster ad annum 795, which is (Kemble's Codex, vol. ii. p. 264.) clearly an error.

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