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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/584

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��8i8 829


��890 920

944 960



1007 1021 1027

��Aethelwald^'^ or Herkenwald'^*^ was consecrated in

818 ^S and died in 8284-^. HuMBERHT orHuNBERHT was consecrated byWulfred,

archbishop of Canterbury, shortly before liis death;

and he was slain with kingEadmund 20th Nov. 870^3. Kenferth ^4 or Cineferth, alias Kinebert. Ob.

87 1 "i^. His death is also placed in 890*5*. CuMBERT^s. So LeNeve, incorrectly, on the authority

of Godwin. He is evidently the same person as the

last mentioned. TuNBRiHT-*?. Ob. 9204s. Ella49 or Aelle or Aelfwine. Ob. 944. Alegar 50. Ob. 960. Kynsy^i. Ob. 974. WiNSY 52. Ob. 992. Elfeth alias Ealfeagus '^^ Ob. 1007. Godwin 54. Ob. 1020. Leofgar55. Ob. 1027. Brihtmar56. Ob. 103957.

��39 Sax. Chron. ; Oithelwald, Flor. Wigorn.

40 Malmes.

41 Cod. Lich. in Bibl. Cott.

42 Sax. Chron. p. 344. Monu- menta.

43 Cum quo et Humbertus episcopus occiditur. (Sim. Du- nelm. Hist, ad an. 870 in Monu- menta p. 678. note ^.) Some writers place his death in 867 ; others in 870.

44 Kineferthus, Matt.Westra.; Cinebert, Malmes.; Kynefyrth, Text. Roff. He is also called Kyneberht.

45 Defuncto Cinefertho Licet- feldensi episcopo, successit Tun- brihtus. Flor. Wigorn. adan. 871.

45* Thom. Chesterfield et Cod. Lichf.

46 Not in the lists of Malmes- bury or Florence of Worcester.

��47 Tunfrith, Malmes. ; Tum- brihtus, Flor. Wigorn.

48 Thom. Chesterfeld, Hist, de Episc. Covent. et Lichf.

49 Aella, Flor. Wigorn. ; Elle, Malmes. Aella qui et Aelfinus, praesulatum gessit tempore Ae- thelstani Regis. Flor. Wigorn.

50 Alfgarus, Flor. Wigorn. ; Elgar, Malmes.

51 Kinsi, Malmes. ; Cinsius, Flor. Wigorn.

52 Winsi, Malmes.

53 Elfeh, Malmes. ; Aelfeah, Text. RofF.; Aelfegus, Flor. Wig.

54 Godwine, Malmes.

55 Lefgar, Malmes.; Leovega- rus, Flor. Wigorn.

56 Brithmar, Malmes. et Flor. Wigorn. ; Brithelmarus, Chron. Petrob.

57 Flor. Wigorn. Sim. Dunelm. et Hoved. fol. 251^.

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