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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/588

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25th Sept. 118375. He died at Lichfield 13th Jan. 1183476^ under suspicious circumstances, and was buried at Coventry.

1 188 Hugh de ^o^a.^t'^t, archdeacon of Oxford, and prior

34 Hen. II. of the Carthusians^ was elected in 1 1 85, but was not

consecrated before 31st Jan. 11 87-8 7. He died 27th

April 1 198 at Bec-herluin in Normandy, and was

there buried 79.

1 198 GEOFFREy DE MuscHAMP, archdcacon of Cleaveland, 9 Ric. I. ^vas consecrated bishop of Lichfield and Coventry 21st June 1 198. He died 6th Oct. 1208, and was buried at Lichfield. Upon the death of Geoffrey de Mus- chanip the monks of Coventry elected Josbert, their prior, as their bishop, and the canons of Lichfield chose Walter de Grey^*^. Neither one nor the other however was consecrated. Indeed Pandulph, the Pope's legate, declared both elections void, and after violent disagreements, the parties settled their differences by jointly electing

1214 William de Coknhull, archdeacon of Huntingdon.

16 Joh. He obtained the royal assent 6th Aug. 12 14, and was consecrated 25th Jan. 1214-15^1. He died xiii Cal. Sept. (20th Aug.) 1223^2^

75 Gervas. Chron. the body was fixed a leaden plate

76 Rot. Pip. 30 Hen. II. with this inscription : "Anno ab '^'^ Minant, Matt. Westm. et Incarnatione Domini mccxxiii

Flor. Wigorn. ; Nonant, Annal. obiit WilUelmus de Coventr. et

Burton. Lichfeld. Episcopus, xiii Kal.

78 Gervas. Chron. col. 1520. Septembris regni Regis Henrici

'^^ Die passionis Dominicse. filii Johannis vii. sub Honorio

Annal. Winton. Different daj^s Papa iii. et Stephano Cantuar.

however are assigned for his archiepiscopo. Rexit autem Ec-

death, viz. 25th and 27th March, clesiam istam. viii. annos i.

See Gervas. Chron., Annal. Wi- mens." Post obitum Willelmi

gorn. et Matt. West. episcopi orta contentione inter

80 Pat. 15 Joh. m. 9. ecclesias de Coventreia et de

81 Rot. Profess. Lichesfelda de electione futuri

82 In the year 1662 there was episcopi, profectus est ad Regem discovered a body lying in a stone Galfridus prior pro ecclesia Co- coffin under an arch westward of ventrensi, et Willielmus decanus lord Basset's monument in Lich- pro ecclesia Lichesfeldensi, ad field cathedral ; on the breast of postulandum licentiam eligendi.

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