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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/589

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The custody of the bishopric during the vacancy was granted to the bishop of Winchester 24th Aug. 1223, ^^^ to Michael Belet 31st Jan. 1223-4^-*. 1224 Alexander de Stavexsby^^ was consecrated on

8H. III. Easter Sunday 14th April 1224^^, but he did not obtain the royal assent to his election until 20th May following 85. He died at Andover 26th Dec. 1238 8^, and was buried at Lichfield. Upon the death of Alexander de Stavensby, William Kaley or Kale, treasurer of Exeter, was elected in his room 24th Feb. 1238-9, but having been also chosen to the see of Norwich he went thither, and a new election was commenced : the canons of Lichfield chose their dean, William de Mancester, and the monks of Coventry fixed on Nicholas de Farnham^7^ who how- ever refused the dignity, even though urged to accept it by Wilham de Mancester his opponent. Conse- quently a thii'd election took place with the King's permission, and 1240 Hugh de Pateshull^*^, treasurer of England and

24 H. III. ca7ion of St. Paids, was unanimously chosen, and con- firmed by the archbishop about Christmas 1239. He received the royal assent and the temporalities 1st Jan. 123940'^'^, was consecrated in the priory near Guildford, on Sunday ist July following ^o, and en-

Quibus dominus Rex licentiam ^6 jy\Q ygj-o Sancti Stephani

dedit, pro nuntiante verbum Regis Aedmundus (Alexander) Episco-

Hugone de Burgo justiciario sub pus Cestrensis diem clausit ex-

hac forma verborum :" Dominus tremum. (Matt. Paris ad ann.

Rex concedit licentiam eligendi 1239.) AlexanderCoventrensis et

Coventrensem episcopum omni- Lichesfeldensis Episcopus obiit

bus illis, qui debent et consue- vii Kalend. Januarii [27th Dec]

verunt eligere." Qiiibus verbis 1238, et Lichesfeldise sepultus

utraque pars contenta fuit. est. Thom. Chesterfeld.

Thom.Chesterfeld, deEpis. Gov. ^7 He was consecrated bisliop

et Lich. of Durham in 1241.

82* Pat. 7 Hen. III. m. 2. et 8 The son of Simon de Pates- Pat. 8 Hen. III. m.6. hull, formerly chief justiciar of

83 Stavenessby. Matt. Paris. England.

84 At Rome by pope Honorius. 89 Ckus. 24 Hen. III. mm. Matt. Paris. x8, 17.

85 Pat. 8 Hen. III. m. 8. 90 Matt. Paris ad ann.

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